Week 13 Blog Post

I personally have a very small online footprint, as I only have a snapchat account that I don’t use very often, and a Facebook account I made before coming to college and I haven’t updated it since. The only time I’m even remotely active on any other form of social media is when it is required by my classes. In terms of what visitors can find out from your social media, I know that my father used to look at people’s social media when he was hiring people, and there were times when promising candidates were turned down when he discovered pictures of them drinking at parties (very heavy drinking). Personally, I think the only personal information I’ve ever given out on websites and social media is my address, where I go to school, how old I am, my email, and my credit card info if I’m trying to buy something. I definitely think that social media can be a source of depression and feelings of isolation for some people, as people online can be a lot more hostile and cruel online than in person, and social media has also been used as a tool to humiliate and alienate people.


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